right action

Buddhist teachings state this simply as abstaining from killing, abstaining from stealing, and abstaining from sexual misconduct as they relate to sentient beings.

for me …

At first I thought this one was a no brainer but the more I am thinking about it, I have honestly struggled with this one.

In my past, I have killed other sentient beings and not out of need. I am referring to insects and small animals here. I guess there is question as to whether insects are sentient beings (have feelings and consciousness) but I think it is naive to not think so. I am honestly not convinced vegetation couldn’t also be considered sentient! My focus here is immediately on rodents, specifically field mice … if I set out bate and they eat it and die elsewhere, because I am not ‘aware’ of it am I not living with right action?

As far as stealing goes, there was that one time in New Orleans during Mardi Gras in 1999 when I stole that necklace from a street vendor … I still have it, put away, but I have it. Never again.

And let’s talk about sexual misconduct. NEVER have I engaged without consent. Upon reflecting though, I can relate to the idea of objectification. I am embarrassed by some of my past behaviors.